Bonjour! Enlé(o)!
Hello there! I'm Ashley

I am a 'Creator, Customer Success Engineer, Consultant':" who possesses "Software Development," "Recruiting," "Graphic Art/Design," & "Media Content Management" Skills!

I am a creative, detail-oriented, people focused professional with 5+ years of client facing experience. Who also has a a deep interest in AI/Machine Learning technology. I have a strong customer success managemennt(CSM), recruiting, consulting & sales background with a proven track record of developing and building strong internal/external stakeholder and client relationships. And a proven track record of creating and implementing successful front and back end web applications. My strength is in utilizing software development, emotional intelligence and listening skills. I thrive at comprehending needs, creating loyalty, and resourcing myself in order to deliver quick solutions to problems. These qualities have led to a 95% customer retention rate within my clientele, and similar results with my past employers. I thrive at utilizing my resources to serve clients and customers with excellence; being efficient, and prioritizing business goals. I am always on the look out for ways I can partner my skills with a company who has global reach.
I am someone who has professional skills in: Computer Coding | Full Stack Software Development | Project Management | Customer Success | Recruiting/Technical Recruiting | Public Speaking | Consulting | Graphic Art/Grraphic Design and much much more. | Between balancing the demands of day to day life, I focus on continuing to:

● Consult.
● Increase my Customer Success Managment Skills.
● Expand my Project Managment Skills.
● Increase my Graphic Art/Design Skills.
● Expand my Recruiting Skills.
● Build SPA’s (Single Page Applications).
● Build “Applications, Device and projects” utilizing AI & immersive technologies.
● Collaborate with developers to build modern and responsive web applications using best practices.
● Build semantically structured full stack web applications as well as on
● Applying agile methodologies like SCRUM/KANBAN for project management.
● Digtal Media Managment.
● Digital Art Design.
● Brand Management.
● Brand Design.
● Media & Content Design as well as Media & Content Management.
● Asset Design/Management.

My peers and clients see me as a Joy - Carrier; Master - Encourager; a Hope - Giver; Master - Motivator! Who enjoy's: Consulting & Life Coaching, Customer Success Managent, Project Management, Technical recruiting, Web/Application Design & Web Branding, Content Design, Content Management and Front End Developement! Ultimately, it is my desire to positively impact, transform and inspire the world around me through technology, relationship and design!

More Technology Related Skills:

Angular | React.js / React.jsx | JavaScript | HTML/ HTML5 | HTML5 UP | | CSS | Tailwind CSS | CSS3 | Express | SQL | NoSQL | JQuery | MongoDB | Squarespace | Node | Nodemon | Webflow | Brand Management | Wix | Bootstrap | TravisCi | Web Design | Brand Design | Media Content Design | Media Content Management | Atom | Visual Studio Code | Asset Design | Asset Management | Xcode | Brackets | PyCharm/Python | Postman | REST API's | Amazon AWS | OOP | PHP | Microsoft/Microsoft 365 | Digital Art Design |

Non Technology Related Skills:

Consulting | Motivational Speaking | Public Speaking/Public Relations | Life Consulting | Medical | Teaching | Banking | Internal/External Auditing | Writing/Editing | Journalism | Singing | SongWriting | Advocacy | Modeling | Evangilistic | Military | Media | Film | Editorial |